Monday, February 25, 2008

A Trip to the Attic 002

All images from the March 12, 1945 issue of Time Magazine. I wasn't even going to bother going through this one, but there's some pretty cool stuff in there.

Are re-caps a forgotten part of the "green" economy?

Purple Mountains.

Boris Artzybasheff! One of my favorite illustrators.

Bohn Aluminum always had great space-age advertisements:

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Postcards, Connecticut

View of Mill River from East Rock.

West Rock, New Haven.

Castle Craig, Hubbard Park, Meriden.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Trip to the Attic 001

This week's trip to the attic yields the following magazine cover scans:

A Boston garden catalog from 1947 -

Contract Bridge Made Easy -

A Century of Progress, Chicago World's Fair, 1933. Kiwanis Magazine -

The American Girl, August 1935 -