I always thought the theme song from the Cheyenne TV series had a melancholy wistfulness about it.
Listen to "Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-Der-E" and wonder why they spelled it like that. Here's "Pony Boy" too. It's OK to march around the living room while you listen.
Found at the flea market about 15 years ago, a selection of very cool French EPs from the 1960s.
When I was 13 years old, this is exactly what I wanted to look like! Denim jacket, pants and cap, worn leather boots. Oh well, I did get a harmonica...
Not a French EP, but it was with the same batch of records, all for ten cents a piece!
Spring Cleaning! I've gotten rid of about 1/2 ton of broken toys, moth-eaten cloths and busted electronics over the past few weeks (and made a few $$$ at the flea market too). Here are few things I've found that I'm holding on to...
An old drafting kit, I guess.
Three keys from an odd old wooden box. More on this one tomorrow.